Notice: you may note the domain name IS CHANGING. The contents are not. I'm dedicated to maintaining information (lore if you will) and the history of the original Star Wars canon. That said, the old name was a handful to type, spell & remember, especially on mobile, (and more expensive) so update your links to the new one! The old will eventually be going away.

Talon Karrde

A smuggler chief with a vast business. While being very pragmatic, he did not deal with slavers and kidnapping and was extremely loyal to his associates. He once had a base on Mrkyr during the Thrawn era and had the misfortune of being caught in the crossfire between Luke Skywalker and the Empire.  He was considered an information broker, willing to trade intel for credits or favors. After the Imperial Remnant and New Republic signed a peace treaty, he became a neutral third party supplying intel to both sides.

Featured in:

Thrawn Trilogy
X Wing Rogue Squadron, The Bacta War
Spectre of the Past/Vision of the Future

The New Jedi Order